Bet my pals would prefer my doppelganger, he's me but can't speak
Fans of my blog (that's a joke btw) will know that this film was on my most anticipated movies of the year list, and last week i finally got to see it. Just didn't blog about it right away because I hate being a blogger with my whole heart.
So while its still #fresh in the cinema I better fire out this review and discussion before it loses hype, wouldn't want to disappoint my millions of readers. Disclaimer there will be spoilers when I talk theories but for now its just general thoughts and I'll warn before I discuss the ins and outs okay great.
Before we start however i've made my blog an Instagram and I need to get a significant amount of followers to pass my uni course so gonna follow it please @empirestrikeszach (I'll remind you at the end too)
So overall I enjoyed, proof that Get Out wasn't a fluke and Jordan Peele can make a class horror film. Lupita Nyong'o getting the role she deserves rather than just voice acting in Jungle Book and Star Wars, proving that she deserved her oscar. The film is really tense, and moves pretty quickly so doubt you'll get bored.
I like to switch my brain off during films, which may have been a bad idea during this one, but because of that, the big final twist was a surprise to me and made the entire film. But I've spoke with a few others who 'totally seen it coming'.
The film, just like Get Out has many deeper meanings which I think adds to the overall experience of watching it, because for the past like 5 days I've done nothing but watch theory videos on what every single little moment could possibly represent.
The only thing I can really fault the film for is that I prefer Get Out, but it's a different film and they shouldn't (and can't really) be compared. It's also not as scary as I had hoped it to be, I'd even describe it as more as a thriller than a horror but that's my opinion.
Like I said above, I've done lots of research on this film out of sheer boredom which now makes me an absolute expert on the film, I am a genius. Now imma discuss the different theories and explanations I've read that I find interesting- so stop reading now if you haven't seen and when you have seen it please come back n hang with the rest of us.
The Red Jumpsuits
The tethered all wear red jumpsuits, inspired by Adelaide's Michael Jackson t-shirt, as he is wearing the cLaSsIc red outfit. Also the hands across america t-shirt young Adelaide wore also had red stick figures all holding hands, inspiring the outfits. The single glove they wear is also inspired by the Michael Jackson t-shirt, heee heee.
The Frisbee
The scene at the beach shows a frisbee land perfectly on top of a spot on a beach towel. The frisbee is red which represents Red (the mother's tethered) coming to fuq shid up.
I can't find this explanation again so imma do my best to remember: The mother and her doppelganger represent a version of Snow White. Firstly, when the mother gets lost in the hall of mirrors shes eating a candy apple, also 'Adelaide' the mother's name means 'nobility' (like a queen). There is also a weird version of Snow White where she has a sister or something who is treated worse than her, which represents the doppelganger. (I did a shit job of explaining that)
Also white rabbits + tunnels = Alice in Wonderland.
Hands Across America
A movement in the 1980's in America to raise awareness for homeless people, and the t-shirt Adelaide was wearing clearly inspires the movement of the tethered. The event made $15 million but cost around the same to organise so was a failure, also due to things like mountains and water- people weren't able to hold hands successfully. The ending shot represents the tethered achieving what their real life counterparts couldn't.
The Tethered
The fact that they are doppelgangers represents that we are our own worst enemy obvz
The Boy is also a tethered
Like mother like son. At the end of the film when it's revealed to the audience (us) that the mother was a tethered the whole time as she was switched as a child, we find this information out at the same time as her son, who then puts his mask on and decides to stay quiet about his discovery.
There is a theory that the reason he keeps this to himself is because he, himself is also a tethered. Lemme explain. The family go to the summer home every year, so it's theorised that he was switched on a previous vacation.
this makes sense because:
- He's building a tunnel instead of a sandcastle at the beach (possible he doesn't know what a sandcastle is).
- He can't do the magic trick with the lighter anymore, but his tethered can. This could also explain why his tethered's face is burned because their actions mirror each other- so it's possible that every time the boy tried to switch the lighter on, the tethered version of him actually did switch it on and burned his face.
- It explains why the mother is visibly disturbed by the death of the tethered son, as that is actually her real son.
- It explains why she's so paranoid about him going 'missing' for like 30 seconds at the beginning of the film, in case he's going back to the tunnel.
- It explains why he is going to keep his mother's secret, because that is his real mother.
- Finally, him putting his mask back on at the end also has a metaphorical meaning of him hiding behind a mask (because he's an imposter).
There's a lot more but I'm writing this from memory so, thanks for listening the end.
INSTA BTW: https://www.instagram.com/empirestrikeszach/
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