Without a single doubt, the GIMPIEST thing I've ever produced:
I'm running out of blog ideas, haven't been to the cinema in a while and Fox's treatment of the X-Men has always annoyed me so I guess here we go.
Again, nobody will read this- but for as long as I can remember the X-Men have always been my favourite superhero team. Mutants are 2929829 times cooler than any Avenger and when I was a young catholic schoolboy I used to pray for superpowers, probably why God hates me and doesn't answer any of my adult prayers.
But yeah, I'm probably gonna be rather opinionated on the subject because I'm cLuEd uP, eDuCaTeD aNd, as mentioned, extremely hungover.
I understand not everything in a superhero film can be comic book accurate, and it doesn't always need to be, however, there are so many things the X-Men comics do right, that the studio ignores when making the movies. Here are some character nitpicks, you bored yet?
Wolverine- Hugh Jackman is amazing as Wolverine but if the X-Men ever come to the MCU, I feel they should be inspired by the comics when casting a new actor. In the comics Wolverine is like 5ft 4 and is ugly and hairy, still cool, but not handsome Hugh Jackman. The only reason I want this is so they can do a fastball special properly, because they did it in X-Men 3 and it looked ridiculous.
(a fastball special is when Colossus chucks Wolverine at the bad guys, image inserted below).

Rogue- one of my favourite superheroes, always portrayed so disappointingly. In the films her powers (to absorb the memories and superpowers of anyone she touches) are shown to be a burden, whereas in the comics she also has super strength and can fly (because she absorbed Captain Marvel's powers) AND she likes her powers. Just a whiny annoyance on screen when she could be one of the best characters, but what do I know eh. In the third film she gets rid of her powers also, AT IT.
Cyclops- Again portrayed as whiny, moody and is very bland in the films, however, in the comics and the cartoon, hes the charismatic LEADER of the team, not Wolverine. He's barely in the movies and dies off screen in X-Men 3?
Storm- She has the powers of a God, one of the most powerful mutants ever, but you wouldn't know that from the movies. Plus Halle Berry doesn't care at all, she's just in it for the dolla, cast someone else please and thank you.
Mystique- The character that causes me the most frustration. In the comics/tv show, she's not that big of a character, they totally got her right in X-Men 1,2 and 3- but then they cast Jennifer Lawrence. I don't think they knew she was gonna blow up to being a mega star, and now the films are all about her, she doesn't want to be painted blue anymore, and it's so obvious she doesn't care. There are soooooo many better mutants that don't get their time to shine and I genuinely do blame Jennifer Lawrence for all of it just be blue or leave.
This section will be less lengthy because there's nothing more to say other than their costumes are shite. There's nothing wrong with colour, the Avengers all wear comic-accurate costumes, stop putting the X-Men in all black leather.
Lack of Consistency
To be fair, the first two X-Men prequels were decent (First Class; Days of Future Past), however, they've now caused so many plot holes. Also, not to mention that each of the most recent X-Men films are all set 10 years apart from each other- yet James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender haven't aged at all? in 30 years?
FURTHERMORE, at the end of Days of Future Past we see that Mystique acquires Wolverine- it's the final cliffhanger, yet it goes nowhere and it's never explained what happened in X-Men Apocalypse?
I could probably think of more but like I said I'm so hungover and this is just making me angry.
Phoenix Saga
I deliberately didn't speak about Jean Grey until now because Fox's treatment of the Phoenix Saga deserves its own lil section. I say lil but we'll see.
In the comics and tv series, the Phoenix Saga was indeed a SAGA, it went on for years, and there was the Phoneix Saga before the DARK Phoenix Saga- something the films just like to leave out.
(an explanation for those who don't know, Jean Grey bonds with the Phoenix Force after saving the X-Men, shes then secretly manipulated for years by another bad guy and she eventually turns dark after a LONG time).
The movies portray it as Jean's repressed powers, which I suppose is the easy way to go about putting the story line on screen, but maybe it doesn't need to be put on screen if it can't be done right.
In X-Men 3, we see the Dark Phoenix- and all she does is stand around and look moody and then she turns things into dust and then dies and its shit and who cares.
After the criticisms of the studio's handling of the beloved saga, you'd think they'd learn but no, in X-Men Apocalypse, Sophie Turner stops apocalypse by releasing the Phoenix Force and just like that Apocalypse dies and so did my faith for any good future X-Men movie. Dark Phoenix comes out in cinemas in June or July, who cares, and thankfully, it's rumoured to be Fox's last ever X-Men movie.
the X-Men are home, in safe hands again with Marvel after Disney bought over many Fox properties. I hope and I pray (not for superpowers this time) that Marvel help a boy out, start from scratch, cast new mutants and do them right.
Avengers have had their time to shine, let the Mutants have theirs. The End.
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