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iT's My oPiNiOn!!!

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Ranking MCU films from worst to best, yes because I need content but also because I'm boreeeeed.

Two posts in one week, I'm so good to my fans.

But yeah I'm bored, read so many other article's rankings and I'm in complete disagreement with them all so thought I'd write my own. You'll probably disagree with my ranking but like the title says it's my opinion. Plus I've never been wrong in my life.

Here we go, perhaps slight spoilers? I won't spoil Endgame but the rest I'm allowed to.

22. The Incredible Hulk (2008)

Image result for incredible hulk 2008

Meh, was good at the time, hasn't aged particularly well, Mark Ruffalo is better and the Hulk is better as a side character, I don't believe he should have his own movie. However, if they made a 'Planet Hulk' movie I would be fully invested.

21. Thor: The Dark World (2013)

Image result for thor the dark world

Back when Thor wasn't a fun character, a rather boring film, shit villains, no wonder Natalie Portman wanted out

20. Thor (2011)

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Introduces Asgard but spends  majority of film on Earth? Better than the Dark World but not by much

19. Doctor Strange (2016)

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I thought I enjoyed it, but it's the only film on this list that I've only seen once, and I don't feel I need to see it again which is why it ranks so low.

18. Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (2017)

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Think the issue with this one was that my expectations were FAR too high, Baby Groot and Ego were highlights but I think I've just decided Star Lord is a pain in the arse and I'm not a fan anymore. Sad when you see how highly I rank the first film later on in the list.

17. Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

Image result for captain america the first avenger

Perhaps controversial? I enjoy it but it falls into the trap of being a dull origin story that I've seen many times before. Red Skull is the best part of the movie, just a shame Hugo Weaving didn't want to come back for Infinity War.

16. Captain Marvel (2019)

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Maybe would've ranked higher but I watched it less than an hour ago and there's something really unlikable about Brie Larson. However, it's better than the films above plus there are still enjoyable things- such as goose the cat and the 90's references.

15. Iron Man 2 (2010)

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Can honestly say I've never seen the hate for this film, I think it's great. Introduces both War Machine and Black Widow, and Justin Hammer is a good villain. 

14. Iron Man 3 (2013)

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Mandarin twist is bad I suppose, but it's the most interesting Gwyneth Paltrow has ever been in any of these films and it packed quite the emotional punch.

13. Ant-Man (2015)

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I just love Paul Rudd with all my heart, just wish this film had actually been directed by Edgar Wright, would've probably been a lot higher on this list if it was. But still cute.

12. Iron Man (2008)

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The film that started it all, makes me feel nostalgic watching it back. 

11. Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)

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Exactly what was needed after Infinity War, so funny, so easy to watch and the Wasp is probably the best female hero in these movies in my opinion and I hope she has more to do in future films.

Top 10 time. This was the hardest part of making the list and took me a good 30 minutes to decide because I kept swapping them around. I'll read this back and will have completely changed my mind but for now, the top 10 best Marvel films are....

10. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

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Probably should not be ranked this highly but it's so re-watchable and despite all it's faults, I still remember how bloody buzzin I was leaving the cinema after seeing this.

9. Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

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If Marvel can fix Spider-Man this quickly just think how quickly they could fix the X-Men. Again, I'd like to put this higher on the list but the others are superior, sorry spidey.

8. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

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I can't be the only one who had this soundtrack on repeat after this film came out. If Marvel hadn't been on such a roll recently, this would 100% have been in my top 5, maybe even top 3. I'm even okay with the dance off to save the universe, fair play.

7. Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Image result for captain america civil war still

Would've been higher but I was Team Iron Man and therefore I'm still bitter. The airport fight was (at the time) the best thing I've ever seen in a superhero movie, plus this film introduced Black Panther and Spider-Man. 

6. Avengers Assemble (2012)

Image result for avengers assemble still

Everything about this is amazing, apart from Captain America's suit. Again would've been higher but Marvel have bloody killed it recently. 

(can i just say by the way, top 5, hardest thing ever but i did it)

5. Black Panther (2018)

Image result for black panther 2018 still

My favourite MCU hero, my third favourite MCU villain, I love Wakanda, I love Okoye, I love Angela Bassett, I love the shitty CGI Rhinos, I love every fight scene and every single thing about this film. A whole lotta love.

4. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Image result for captain america winter soldier

Until 2017, this was without a doubt my favourite MCU movie and it hurts me to put it this low. Probably the film I've seen the most out of this entire list and could probably quote you the entire movie. Fun fact, never seen it in the cinema seen it on a plane on the way to California.

3. Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Image result for avengers infinity war still

I can remember leaving the cinema and not knowing  what to do with myself. Surprise after surprise and did NOT expect an ending like that. Cinematic masterpiece so it is.

2. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

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When I first seen it I really enjoyed it, but upon re-watch after re-watch I just love it with my whole heart and I think it would be my go-to movie out of all the ones listed here.

1. Avengers: Endgame (2019)

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In about a year I wonder if I'll rank this as highly, probably not but right now I'm all aboard the hype train. A perfect conclusion to a perfect franchise. 

Thanks for listening hope this didn't trigger you.


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