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Thought i'd list the films coming out this year that i'm super excited about, nobody cares but whatever.
Just means i have a list to refer back to. About 65% of this list is superhero films.
so in no particular order:
we'll start with Captain Marvel (in cinemas 8 March 2019)
mostly just want to see because i've seen every other Marvel movie and it would almost be rude not to, but the real excitement is for...
Avengers Endgame (in cinemas 25 April 2019)
Infinity War was amazing, can't wait to see everyone get brought back to life bc nobody ever dies in a Marvel movie.
This also comes out a day later in Spain (which is where i'll be at the time), and I have a friend who is cruelly threatening to spoil it for me because they'll see it first, so if you are reading this blog, 'friend', am not even kidding al never speak to you ever again.
Shazam (5 April 2019)
Never been really impressed with DC movies, except Aquaman, but this looks funny so imma give it a bash
Spider-Man: Far From Home (3 July 2019)
Once you've seen the first film in a franchise you gotta see them all, so Spiderman 3 is on 2012's list.
moving on from the superhero genre, the next film i'm bloody buzzing for is Us (in cinemas 22 March 2019)
The second film by Jordan Peele, and after how amazing Get Out (2017) was, i have high expectations.
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile (3 May 2019)
i understand the trailer backlash, but judging by the title i HIGHLY doubt they'll portray Ted Bundy in a good light so lets all relax
Child's Play (2019)
The original is hilarious now so hopefully this one will be scary, plus i love Aubrey Plaza with my whole heart.
Films coming out without trailers, but still equally as exciting include:
- IT Chapter 2 (6 September 2019)- first one was very good, hope this one is scarier
- Charlie's Angels (25 October 2019)- a film series that could do with a re-boot, just hope cheesy
- Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (9 August 2019)- Tarantino camaaan
and to end off on a negative i'll just leave below the films coming out that i am not excited for (but will probably go see)
- Toy Story 4 (21 June 2019)- the third film ended fine, no need for this just a pure cashgrab
- Dumbo (29 March 2019) elephant is cute but the cartoon isnt the most fun
- Aladdin (24 May 2019) CGI Will Smith was awful lmao
- Terminator: Dark Fate (23 October 2019)- Terminator 2 is one of my favourite films ever, so sad that the rest are pish (first is okay too).
- X-Men Dark Phoenix (7 June 2019)- trailer looks awful, looks like a total re-hash of X-Men 3 which was awful, just give the X-Men to Marvel please so they can fix them thank you amen the end.
Might actually write my next post about how the X-Men movies are terrible and just expose myself as an even bigger gimp than I already am.
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