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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

A young student was obligated to start a blog as part of his marketing class at university. 

Blog Post I: The Critical Menace.

As part of my third year marketing studies at university I have been tasked with creating a blog and using digital marketing methods to reach an audience. The blog should focus on a subject that interests both me, and my potential audience, which is why I chose to focus on film

Some read the news, some read about football, I read film reviews (I might not know what’s going on in the world but I know the new Blade Runner film is supposed to be amazing). Whilst reading reviews on sites such as ‘Rotten Tomatoes’ and ‘Metacritic’, or watching them on YouTube,  from reviewers such as Jeremy Jahns or Chris Stuckmann,  far too often I come across films with reviews they don’t deserve. There are hundreds of films that audiences liked and critics hated, or the opposite:

Take for example the Darren Aronofsky film 'Mother!' starring Jennifer Lawrence, which critics loved and audiences hated, saying the film did a terrible job of trying to be smart and thought provoking when it actually wasn’t.

Divided opinions like this then became the inspiration from my blog, as I have noticed repeatedly that critics and audiences both look for different things when it comes to film.

Personally, I feel like I’ve read enough reviews and watched enough YouTube to call myself an experienced film critic, however the reality is I have no clue if a film has an inconsistent tone or not, therefore,

The aim of my blog is to review films, share my opinions and let you know whether a film is enjoyable or not, if it’s worth your money etc, etc

(I’ll post other things too like maybe lists of my favourite films, and tips and advice for cheap cinema trips ‘cause we’re all poor students and SAAS should be spent on more important things like gig tickets and booze).

Also I promise no spoilers.
